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Synthetic Fibre and Filament Spinning
Synthetic Fibre and Filament Spinning
Process Air Engineering in Synthetic Fibre & Filament Spinning
Importance of Air Engineering
Tight controls for temperature and pressure at the quench box are a prerequisite for stable operation and a constant yarn/fibre quality. Depending on the application, control of temperature/humidity in the winding area is essential. In addition, efficient air washing and a high capacity of supply air filtration are a necessity. Optionally, an exhaust air quenching or exhaust air filtration can be added and complemented with an enthalpy control for energy-saving.
- Air Flow from 20,000m3/h to 600,000m3/h n per AHU
- Filtration efficiency up to HEPA 13
- Variable air flow automatic control
- Equipment selected and designed for continuous operation with remote maintenance
- Designs for indoor and outdoor installation
- Prefabricated air handling units taylor-made in modular design
- Components according to process requirement
Luwa Process Support
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Quench Air Pressure
- Supply Air Filtration
Main System Components
- Radial and Axial Flow Fans
- Air Washer
- Cooling Coil
- Static Air Filters