
The air control damper is used to control the air volume flow, differential and/or excess pressure, and to mix or separate air flows in air conditioning systems. Depending upon the system design and function, air control dampers are installed either with opposed or parallel moving blades. The damper frame is constructed from special sheet metal profiles, corner connecting brackets and corner closure angles. The face and end side of the frame flanges have a 152mm centre-to-centre hole pattern.

A square axle hole is formed into the damper blade, which is made from an extrusion-pressed aluminum profiIe. An interconnecting axle is pressed into one side and a crank arm is pressed into the other side of the damper blade. Both sides of the damper blade have plastic bearings that rotate in the damper frame bearing holes. 

The plastic side seals which are placed on the sides between the damper blades and frame reduce the amount of air leakage. 

The damper blades are driven via the twist-proof damper blade crank arms and interconnecting crank arm linkage by an electrical damper motor. 

The damper blades, damper blade crank arms and crank arm linkage are protected by the damper frame.

The insulated damper version prevents condensation on the damper frame in TexPac and similar applications.